Advanced Bronzer
Premium results at an affordable price. The Brilliance Bronzer series
casts a long, golden shadow on the competition in both standard and
reflector applications. The highest quality phosphors, combined with a
special gas mixture allow for approximately a 25% increased output.
These special bronzing lamps are available in a variety of sizes as well
as HO and VHO types.
Light Sources extends superior quality manufacturing to the
Brilliance Advanced Bronzing System. It incorporates only the
highest quality glass tubes, which are manufactured specifically for
the tanning industry. The highest quality phosphor blending and a
specific gas mixture highlight this lamp series as a premium option.
We all know there is a difference in results with lamps, but there
doesn’t have to be a difference in your bottom line. With the
Brilliance Advanced Line, Light Sources has brought a lamp to the
market which handily outperforms other popular competitors, and
does not cut profits with a high price.